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J-CLUB @ Home

What do you do if you are a J Club member in lockdown?

 Sign up for the weekly ‘J Club @ Home Activity pack’ of course J.

 Back in March (when, like everyone around the world, we were grappling with a new reality) the idea was mooted that if the members couldn’t come to J Club then perhaps J Club could go to the members.

 So with hand -decorated bags addressed to each individual child we made our first deliveries the week of Easter.  As well as the main activity of Easter egg baskets – complete with stickers and chocolate goodies the bags were crammed full with a word search & puzzles, a time capsule journal, colouring in sheets and a tube of pencils  (with a really cute little pencil sharpener built in).

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Arriving at the paintballing camp, I felt like I wasn't going to be able to achieve this challenge.

But inside I felt nervous but excited at the same time.

We all nervously got given our overalls and helmet from the instructor, after we went over safety rules and strolled towards the game arena, where we played our first game.

15 Year Celebration

15 Year Celebration

On the (date) we celebrated our 15th Anniversary.  We were joined for afternoon tea by the High Sheriff of Cumbria (Simon  Berry and his beautiful wife Diana) it was wonderful to spend some quality time with friends both old and new who have supported us over the past 15 years and been part of our success story.  We had a lovely BIG birthday cake in the shape of our LOGO, baked by Janes Bakes (an Aspatrian Business) which was so delicious and cut into by the Sheriffs Sword.

Get In Touch

The Youth Club, Market Square,
Aspatria, Wigton, CA7 3EZ

Phone Number - 016973 20893
